Follow La Vito Valentino M
La Vito Valentino M
La Vito Valentino M
Hi there! I am a students at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang majoring in informatics engineering, are learning to make games based on the unity engine.
Kotak Running
My First 3D Game made by Unity
La Vito Valentino M
Fruit Pop Game Kinect V2.0
Xbox Kinect V2.0 Game made by Unity for classroom project
La Vito Valentino M
Unity Learning
Navigation Mesh
La Vito Valentino M
Path Following and Steering Behaviors
Tugas 2 - Path Following and Steering Behaviors
La Vito Valentino M
A* Pathfinding
A Pathfinding
La Vito Valentino M
Flocking Unity
Tugas 1
La Vito Valentino M